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Politics / Civics
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The Making of a Law

Laws determine the lives and interrelationships of people and ensure that both rights and duties are distributed in a just way in society.

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Federal President

The Federal President holds the highest office in the Federal Republic of Germany.

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Bundestag and Bundesrat

“I think politicians should by all means be responsible for the representation of interests, they should, so to speak, represent the people and make possible what the people wants in order to provide the greatest possible wealth and satisfaction in society. That should be their goal.“

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Bundestag Elections

There is no democracy without regular elections. Elections are the citizen’s most important means of actively shaping the politics of his or her state and are one of the basic requirements of modern democracy apart from freedom of speech, of assembly, of association, and of the press.In Germany there are political elections in cities and communities, in the federal states to the Bundestag and to the European parliament. All of them have democratic election principles.

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There is no democracy without regular elections. Elections are the citizen’s most important means of actively shaping the politics of his or her state. Democracy is based on the citizens’ recognition and support. Everyone has the possibility of political involvement.

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Capitalism is a global economic and social order, in which the means of production such as, for instance, buildings, farmland or technical facilities are in private ownership, and the control of economic activities is effected by the market.

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25 Years of German Unity

After four decades of separation in the course of the East-West conflict, the unity of Germany was constitutionally restored on October 3, 1990. The Peaceful Revolution in the GDR and the willingness of the victorious powers of the Second World War enabled reunification. Special merits were earned by the then Chancellor Helmut Kohl as well as by the Soviet head of government Mikhail Gorbachev. Their negotiations were complicated but remained friendly – although the dissolution of its ally GDR signified a considerable loss of power for the Soviet Union at the time.

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According to many scientists, the beginnings of Europe go back to antiquity, and there specifically to the freedom and democracy of the Greeks. Others consider the foundations laid as late as in the Middle Ages. But the settlement of the area we call Europe today began far earlier. The key periods of our European history are to explain how Europe became what it is today.

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Children’s Rights in Germany

25 years have passed since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted unanimously by almost all countries of the world.

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Politics of the USA

The United States of America. The nation’s political power is centred around the Capitol in the capital Washington D.C. This block encompasses the most important government buildings. Under the dome of Congress, both parliaments of the federal government are housed.

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Youth Movement

Dancing until your feet hurt: Here, at the meeting on the Hoher Meissner near Kassel, 3,500 participants from Boy Scout associations, youth and Wandervogel groups from all over the German-speaking region have gathered. They want to celebrate, simply get to know each other and commemorate a historic anniversary.

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Democracy in Germany

Constantly we come across politics in our daily lives, we just do not realise it all the time! Politics does not always take place in full public view but also starts in small settings already, for example at school. The political system in Germany is based on the principles of democracy. That means there are free elections in Germany, an independent parliament and a separation of powers that act independently of each other.

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