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Genetic Code Sun
Deciphering the Code of Life
Life on Earth assumes a large variety of shapes. There is plant life and animal life. Protozoa live alongside human beings, ants alongside fish and elephants, a blowball alongside a cactus. At first glance, the creatures living on Earth do not seem to have much in common. There are various manifestations of life in terms of characteristics and appearance. Is it possible that this impression is wrong? Is there something that all these creatures have in common in their internal structure? This is hard to believe if you compare a plant with an animal. Let’s take a look at two more creatures: an ape and a human being – what do these two species have in common? It is easy to find some differences and some similarities. Monkeys and humans have a similar body structure and similar limbs. In spite of that, we can clearly distinguish an ape from a human being. Where do these similarities and differences come from? Genetics provides answers to these questions. It is the science of heredity. The term “genetics” stems from the ancient Greek word “genesis” – “origin”.
Play trailerCurriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
The Daily Newspaper
Every day, there is a surge of news reaching us via different news channels. In spite of TV and Internet, the daily paper still is one of the most important main sources of news. But how is a newspaper created? The film shows the production of a paper in the course of one day. Starting with the editorial meeting in the morning, in which the topics and deadlines are determined, the film accompanies a journalist during her research work. You can see how a journalistic interview is conducted and what the photographer must consider when taking a press photo. Back in the editorial office, the editor’s work is illustrated, which includes the page layout and the writing of an online article in today’s time. Impressive pictures from the printing centre depict the process from the digital page to the finished newspaper. Together with the comprehensive accompanying material, the DVD is perfectly suited for use at school