In unserem Arbeitsheft Englisch Sek. 5/6 – Bildergeschichten (Level 1) Vol. 1 – Englisch/Deutsch finden Sie 25 interaktive und didaktisch aufbereitete Aufgaben.
Das Medium bietet H5P-Aufgaben an, die ohne zusätzliche Software verwendbar sind. Das Medium enthält interaktive Videos und 25 H5P-Aufgaben zum Thema Bildergeschichten.
Durch interaktive Aufgabentypen wird das audiovisuelle und interaktive Lernen einfach.
Lernen macht jetzt Spaß!
Included Tasks
- Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak (Level 1 Reading skills)
- Rani's First Day at School (Level 1 Reading skills)
- Fat King And Thin Dog (Level 1 Reading skills)
- The Three Little Kittens - Die drei kleinen Kätzchen (Level 1)
- Little Painters - Die kleinen Maler (Level 1)
- The Fly Over the Pond - Die Fliege über dem Teich (Level 1)
- The Soil - Die Erde (Level 1)
- The Moon and The Cap (Level 1 Reading skills)
- The Ladybird - Der Marienkäfer (Level 1)
- The Lost Doll (Level 1 Reading skills)
- Watch Out! The Tiger is Here! - Der Tiger ist hier! (Level 1)
- The Wood Carver (Level 1 Reading skills)
- The Race (Level 1 Reading skills)
- This and That (Level 1 Reading skills)
- A Sweet Apple - Ein süßer Apfel (Level 1)
- Simple Counting of Animals - Einfaches Zählen von Tieren (Level 1)
- Busy ants - Fleißige Ameisen (Level 1)
- Colours of Nature - Farben der Natur (Level 1)
- Colours (Level 1 Reading skills)
- Naughty or Not (Tell me now series) (Level 1 Reading skills)
- Tall and Short (Level 1 Reading skills)
- Hello - Hallo! (Level 1)
- I Can Climb! (Level 1 Reading skills)
- I Can Help! - Ich kann helfen! (Level 1)
- I Am Not Afraid! (Level 1 Reading skills)
- Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak - Drag the Words
- Chhuk-Chhuk-Chhak - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- Rani's First Day at School - Drag the Words
- Rani's First Day at School - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- Fat King And Thin Dog - Drag the Words
- The Three Little Kittens - Drag the Words
- The Three Little Kittens - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- Little Painters - Drag the Words
- Little Painters - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- The Fly Over the Pond - Drag the Words
- The Fly Over the Pond - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- The Soil - Drag the Words
- The Soil - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- The Moon and The Cap - Drag the Words
- The Moon and The Cap - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- The Ladybird - Drag the Words
- The Ladybird - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- The Lost Doll - Drag the Words
- The Lost Doll - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- Watch Out! The Tiger is Here! - Drag the Words
- Watch Out! The Tiger is Here! - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- The Wood Carver - Drag the Words
- The Wood Carver - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- The Race - Drag the Words
- This and That - Drag the Words
- This and That - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- A Sweet Apple - Drag the Words
- A Sweet Apple - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- Busy ants - Drag the Words
- Busy ants - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- Colours of Nature - Drag the Words
- Colours of Nature - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- Colours - Drag the Words
- Colours - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- Naughty or Not - Drag the Words
- Tall and Short - Drag the Words
- Hello - Drag the Words
- Hello - Englisch-Deutsch - Vokabeltraining
- I Can Climb! - Drag the Words
- I Can Help! - Drag the Words
- I Am Not Afraid! - Drag the Words
Curriculum-centred and oriented towards educational standards
Nathan the Wise
Nathan the Wise by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing is considered one of the most important dramas of German literary history still today, 235 years after its premiere in Berlin on April 17, 1783. The notion of tolerance of the Age of Enlightenment concerning the various religions in their relationships to each other actually is what makes the play topical still today.
Literature of Romanticism
At first glance, the text appears very simple. It reminds us of a folk song. The first stanza tells of Heaven and Earth uniting – often interpreted as a bridal kiss. But then irritation already sets in. It says: “It was“– so it is past, distant. Only an echo remains, a reflection.
Heinrich von Kleist
Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) left posterity a work that is often inaccessible to easy access. Even the epoch assignment is not easy for him, who began publishing in the Weimar Classical period and committed suicide in the Romantic era. His work was far ahead of its time, it was outside of its time.