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What Is Jazz?

Lucia Martinez:

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Music as a Commodity

Music has become a permanent feature of our lives. No radio station, no TV station, no department store, no restaurant does without using music. Music accompanies your every step. Music is a special language that conveys feelings and moods and has an animating effect. Influencing you unconsciously, it is to encourage you to buy things or helps you to recognise particular programmes or brands. In radio programmes, music is the most important part, which decides on the revenue and market share of the broadcast station.

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As soon as the audience has taken their seats, the conductor enters the orchestra pit. When he lifts the baton, the magic ritual of enchantment through music, play and light in an illusory world, which is to true nonetheless, begins. But what is opera, anyway? Let us dare a look behind the scenes! This film presents the institution and the artistic creation of an opera. The pupils learn about the structure of a traditional opera house. They get to know how an opera production is planned and prepared. They see how many people contribute to an opera production from the planning to the first night. What jobs and what manual skills are behind a production? How do make-up artists and costume designers work? How many rehearsals are required? All these questions and a lot more are answered by the film. And if the pupils do attend an opera performance, they will perhaps think of the many people and skills that were needed to make this evening a success. Together with the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is perfectly suited for various uses in the classroom.

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Roman City

Augsburg, Cologne, Trier – well-known and important German cities. They have one thing in common: all of them were founded by the Romans.

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Villa Rustica

A Roman villa is fundamentally different from what we would regard as a villa in the modern sense. A Villa Rustica was a country estate with a mansion, large gardens and agricultural land. In addition to cultivating the fields, people also bred animals. This work was done by farm labourers and slaves, who mostly lived in outbuildings outside the mansion area. Thus a Roman villa was far more than just a building, it was almost a small village. Over centuries a network of Roman country estates had marked the culture of the empire north of the Alps. With the cultivation of the soil, the trade and exchange of goods, the Villa Rustica was a pillar of the Roman Empire.

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While large parts of Europe still lived in the Dark Middle Ages and huge cathedrals dominated the cities, a new consciousness blossomed in Florence, Italy at the beginning of the 15th century:

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The expression of a painting is meant to depict the artist’s inner world and bring it out. Nature is not simply portrayed as it presents itself to the viewer. Colours play a very important role here because they serve as a medium to express the innermost feelings in a picture. This effect has been achieved by the Expressionist artist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner in the painting “Staberhof Farm on Fehmarn“ of 1912.

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Picture Analysis

Picture analysis is a reliable method of revealing the secrets of works of art. Let us take for example the portrait of a child. There would have been innumerable ways of depicting the child but the painter painted it specifically the way he did and not otherwise. Why? What did he want to express? And what painter’s tricks did he use in doing so? It is worthwhile examining the picture in detail to unravel the message of this work, after all, the painter invested a lot of time and effort in it. Those who occupy themselves intensively with a work of art do not only learn more about the artists’ technical subtleties. In the process, they also go on a journey back through time, to forgotten customs and habits. It is a dive into the everyday lives of our forebears, their wishes and dreams.

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The giraffe is a superlative mammal. It is considered the largest land mammal, has a neck up to two meters long and the pattern of its fur is as unique as the fingerprint of a human.

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MedienLB has been producing award-winning school films and interactive modules for the classroom since 2006.

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Genetic Code Sun

Life on Earth assumes a large variety of shapes. There is plant life and animal life. Protozoa live alongside human beings, ants alongside fish and elephants, a blowball alongside a cactus.

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The theory of classical conditioning is one of several learning theories which explains how behaviours can result from stimulation without, however, taking into consideration the processes in the brain (black box).

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Elephants belong to the order of Proboscidea.

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