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Kakao aus Belize
Ein Film von Roland Wehap. Der Film zeichnet den Weg einer Kakaobohne aus den Wäldern Belizes bis zur Verarbeitung in einer Schokoladenmanufaktur nach.
Learn moreLatvia
This DVD offers a clearly structured overview of Latvia focusing on the following aspects: Situation within the EU, size and inhabitants, landscapes (regional landscapes, mountains, rivers), fauna and flora (storks, natural parks), the climate, history (short survey) up to its present system of government, old and new relations with Austria, traffic, transport and infrastructure, economic structure (agriculture, industry, energy supply, tourism), important cities and sights, the capital and former Hanseatic city of Riga, religion, traditions, lifestyle, food and drink, language, education, culture and music. Outstanding shots, didactically arranged computer charts, animated maps as well as historical pictures give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its inhabitants in a form appropriate for their age group.
Learn moreSchool Caching
A treasure hunt in nature… and with GPS devices! Geocaching has been a real trend with lovers of nature for long and now more and more schools discover that pupils can be encouraged to head out into nature and, moreover, that learning content can be communicated creatively in this way. The pupils get the coordinates for the next station only by solving a maths problem, for example, or the various answer options are linked to coordinates. In addition, geocaching promotes thinking and working in groups and can be used to improve classroom community. In this DVD, a school class demonstrates us a school caching organised by their teachers in the Swabian Alps, the development of an educational cache and how GPS works. With the extensive accompanying material the didactic DVD is ideally suited for use in the classroom.
Learn moreMittelgebirge
Harz und Schwarzwald gehören zu den Mittelgebirgen. Sie prägen die deutsche Landschaft, der Schwarzwald im Südwesten, der Harz im Norden und Osten.
Learn moreClimate Phenomena
Weather, atmospheric condition and climate must be clearly distinguished.
Learn moreOur Solar System
Looking up at the cloudless night sky is something special. It is a spectacle that we are offered free of charge every clear night.
Learn moreMecklenburg - Western Pomerania
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is the most north-eastern land of Germany. It encompasses an area of 23.174 square kilometres. Because of its long name Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is often abbreviated in German with the letters MV or MVP. Colloquially it’s also referred to as Meck-Pom. The neighbours of MV are to the West Schleswig-Holstein, to the Southwest Lower Saxony, to the South the land Brandenburg. To the East there is the frontier of Poland. To the North the land is bordered by the Baltic Sea
Learn moreEstonia
This DVD offers a well-structured overview of Estonia focusing on the following aspects: Location within the EU (border to Russia, situation at the Gulf of Finland), size and inhabitants, landscapes (regional land- scapes, mountains, rivers, islands), fauna and flora (moose, brown bear, lynx, natural parks), the climate, history (short survey) up to its present system of government, old and new relations with Germany, connections with Finland, traffic and infrastructure – the importance of the Gulf of Finland, infra- structure (e.g. country of the Internet), economic structure (agriculture, industry, mining and processing of oil shale and energy generation, tourism), important cities and sights, the capital of Tallinn, religion, traditions (e.g. Hansa Days Festi- val in Tallinn), lifestyle, food and drink, language, education, culture and music. Outstanding shots, didactically arranged computer charts, animated maps as well as historical pictures give the pupils a comprehensive overview of the country and its inhabitants in a form appropriate for their age group.
Learn moreTibet
Tibet, the so-called »Roof of the World«, is a vast highland in Central Asia. Hidden behind huge mountain ranges, the highest plateau of earth together with its inhabitants, the Tibetans, is little known to the rest of the world. The »country of the snow lion«, as the historical Tibet is also called, is comprised of the three big provinces Ü-Tsang, Kham and Amdo and several smaller ones encompassing an area of 2.5 million square kilometres. China, however, incorporated all of Amdo and large parts of Kham into the adjacent Chinese provinces. The remaining area was given the name »Tibet Autonomous Region«.
Learn moreEnergiewende
Die Energiewende ist beschlossene Sache. Ziel ist es die Energieversorgung über nachwachsende Rohstoffe bzw. nachhaltige Energieträger zu gestalten.
Learn moreFreight Traffic
Most of us have probably ordered goods on the Internet at some point since online trade is perpetually booming. Amazon is one of the largest Internet retailers in the world. One click on the order button triggers a whole chain of transport services, most of which are invisible to us, apart from the DHL delivery service, which brings the ordered articles to our homes.
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